Customer Payment Links
Customer Payment links for Opayo Payments can be generated from the following transaction records:
Email Template Configuration
Add a Company Logo
To configure the logo of the template, go to Transactions > Opayo > Overview > Configuration and change the 'Company Logo' field.
Note: The Company Logo field appears on the customer-facing interface for taking payments
Editing a Customer Payment Link
To edit a customer payment link attached to a transaction, find the payment request record. It should appear as the Opayo Payment Request field, usually in the custom tab of the transaction. Requests do not currently auto-update when transactions do.
To invalidate and create a new link, delete the existing request record, return to the transaction, and click the Generate Payment Link button again. Request records cannot be deleted after a payment attempt is made, without also deleting the payment attempt log, which is not recommended.
To create a new link without deleting the current one, edit the transaction and clear the Opayo Payment Request field, then generate a new link as normal.
Customer Payment Link Prerequisites
In order to create and send a manual payment link to the customer, please check the following permissions for your user:
Note: The permission values listed above are the bare-minimum level required in order to create a manual payment link